The Breakdown

Today I’m stepping out of the sci-fi and fantasy worlds and into a psychological thriller: The Breakdown, by B. A. Paris. Let me tell you, I’ve been sitting on this book for months just waiting for it’s release date (today – June 20th!) so I could share how much I loved this book.

book cover for "The Breakdown"

The Breakdown takes place in Britain and centers on Cass: a lovely, if slightly naive, woman in her 30’s. It’s the end of a school year, and she has met her fellow teachers for an end-of-year gathering. Her house is a bit off the beaten track, and – despite her husband Matthew’s warning – she decides to take a short cut home even though there is a terrible rain storm. She passes a car on the shoulder, but, because of the torrential rain, she decides not to get out and offer aid to the stranded motorist. The next morning she turns on the news and realizes the person she drove past in the storm has been murdered violently in the car.

Also weighing on Cass: her family history includes individuals who have, quite literally, had mental breakdowns. When she starts to experience strange things happening at home, endless calls from a caller who does not speak, and repeatedly forgetting things she’s discussed with Matthew and her best friend, Rachel, Cass isn’t sure which is worse: believing herself to be in danger from the killer, or believing she is well on the path to insanity. Matthew and Rachel try to be supportive, but they don’t know what to believe.

The story follows Cass as she searches for the truth and tries to both stay alive and keep her sanity. It’s a tricky journey.

I refuse to give spoilers. Not for this book. There are twists and clues and then new twists that completely obliterate any clues you thought you had. It is a fun book to read, well-paced with believable characters and settings. At points, I alternated between wanting Cass to convince others she was worried and also to stop freaking out when strange things happened.

The Breakdown is good. Really good. There’s enough going on to keep you guessing and wondering, but it’s not overly confusing. I can’t wait to read it again and look for any hidden clues scattered in the pages. If you like a good, solid, not-quite-sure-what’s-going-on thriller, this will fit the bill. And, even if you don’t, give it a try anyway. Sometimes, if it’s a really well done book, you just might surprise yourself with what you like.

Overall: 9/10

* I received an Advance Readers’ Edition of  The Breakdown from the publisher, St. Martin’s Press, in exchange for my honest feedback.



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